Blackline Marine Inc.
Highly skilled yacht services specializing in structural and cosmetic fibreglass repairs, AwlGrip spray paint refinishing, sailboat rigging – new builds and service – and metal fabrication

Canoe Cove Manufacturing
Install and service Detroit Diesel, Tecma, Wesmar, Furuno & Raymarine. Pacific Northwest warranty and service centre for Ranger Tug & Cutwater Boats.

Great White Marine
A full-service marine repair shop, and an authorized repair and warranty dealer for Cummins marine diesel and Onan marine generators.

Lightship Mobile Marine
24 Hour Marine Service. Does commission work on most North Pacific Trawlers in Western Canada and NW USA.
Lightship Mobile Marine
24 Hour Marine Service
Does commission work on most North Pacific Trawlers in Western Canada and NW USA.
24 Hour Marine Service
Malcolm Ellison

Raven Marine Services
Full maintenance and repair service with a highly certified team of experts.
Dealers for MTU Detroit Diesel, Northern Lights and Wesmar.

Raven Marine Chandlery at Canoe Cove
On-site retail store that caters to all of your boating needs.
Raven Marine Chandlery at Canoe Cove
Store hours: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm daily
CLOSED DEC 25, 26 & JAN 1

Watershed Canvas
Custom Marine Canvas & Upholstery
Watershed Canvas
Custom Marine Canvas & Upholstery

Canada Customs Dock (CBSA)
Port of entry and clearance upon entering Canada from the United States.

Laundry Service
On-site laundry facilities for Canoe Cove Customers
Canoe Cove Laundry Facilities
Laundry facilities are available at Canoe Cove for moorage and boatyard customers only and are secured with a coded entry. The facilities are accessible 24 hours a day and require quarters to operate. Visit the marina office during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm) for the code – and we are also happy to provide change.

Shower Facilities
On-site shower facilities for Canoe Cove customers.
Canoe Cove Shower Facilities
Shower facilities are available at Canoe Cove for moorage and boatyard customers only and are secured with a coded entry. The facilities are accessible 24 hours a day and require loonies to operate. Visit the marina office during regular business hours – Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm for the code – and we are also happy to provide change.

Total Boat Marine Surveyors
Marine surveying and claim damage reporting: insurance, damage, appraisal and pre-purchase surveys on any type of power or sailing vessels used for commercial or recreational purposes.

Quadrant Marine Institute
Trades training facility for boat and yacht building, repair, and maintenance with a specific focus on the Marine Service Technician apprenticeship program.